
Thursday, January 24, 2019

Communist Parties against US-backed coup in Venezuela - Partidos Comunistas contra el golpe imperialista en Venezuela

Below you can find statements by Communist Parties, members of the International Meeting of Communist and Workers' Parties (IMCWP), regarding the US-backed imperialist coup in Venezuela

A continuación puede leer las declaraciones de los Partidos Comunistas, miembros de la Encuentro Internacional de Partidos Comunistas y Obreros (IMCWP), sobre el golpe de Estado imperialista apoyado por Estados Unidos en Venezuela:

Partido Comunista de Mexico:

El Comité Central del Partido Comunista de México expresa su firme condena a la injerencia imperialista de la Administración Trump de los EEUU y de la OEA contra la soberanía de Venezuela, injerencia que está claramente coordinada con las fuerzas reaccionarias venezolanas. 
Un proceso golpista se desenvuelve con la proclamación ilegitima de Juan Guaidó como Presidente y el desconocimiento del Presidente Nicolás Maduro, electo por el pueblo.
La insatisfacción popular, la crisis económica cuyos efectos sufre el pueblo venezolano, es por una parte resultado de acciones desestabilizadoras del imperialismo; pero por otra parte  también ocurre precisamente porque no se ha dado una ruptura con el capitalismo, sino que sólo se intenta su reforma. Será tarea para el pueblo y la clase obrera de Venezuela ir adelante y decidir su propio rumbo –si esa es su voluntad- pues el capitalismo es un callejón sin salida y es un imperativo luchar frontalmente contra el sistema de la explotación. 
Expresamos nuestra solidaridad con el pueblo, con la clase obrera, y con el Partido Comunista de Venezuela en la lucha por el respeto a su autodeterminación.
¡Proletarios de todos los países, uníos!
El Comité Central del PCM

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Partido Comunista de los Pueblos de España (PCPE): 
Nota del PCPE ante la situación en Venezuela El Partido Comunista de los Pueblos de España condena rotundamente los movimientos que se vienen realizando en los últimos días en contra del Gobierno y del pueblo venezolanos, que prosiguen e intensifican los ataques que ha sufrido el país durante décadas y, especialmente, en los últimos años. 
La autoproclamación como presidente de Juan Guaidó, su reconocimiento por varios gobiernos extranjeros, con el de EEUU a la cabeza, el no reconocimiento del Presidente Maduro por parte de la Asamblea Nacional, sus declaraciones exigiendo la intervención de los militares, la sublevación de algunos de éstos en Caracas o la designación de un representante especial en la Organización de los Estados Americanos (OEA) por la Asamblea Nacional son algunas de las acciones de los grupos políticos opositores con mayoría en ese órgano. Sus intenciones son claras: Sustituir un gobierno hostil a los intereses que representan por un régimen que se pliegue a ellos y que pretende saquear los muchos recursos naturales, humanos y económicos existentes en Venezuela. Se trata de una ofensiva más del imperialismo que, si bien no ha acabado – aún – en guerra como en Siria o Libia, sí plantea los mismos objetivos que en estos casos. 
El PCPE entiende que la solución a los problemas del pueblo venezolano no puede ser otra que defenderse avanzando en la senda revolucionaria que contraponga los intereses de la mayoría a los de quienes quieren sembrar el caos para conseguir beneficios, sin permitir ni obstáculos ni frenos en dicha senda. En ese camino, los comunistas españoles prestarán toda su solidaridad internacionalista y su apoyo. 
¡Viva la lucha del pueblo venezolano! 
Departamento Internacional del PCPE.

Note of PCPE about the recent developments in Venezuela 
The Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain strongly condemns the movements made in the last days against the Venezuelan Government and the people, which continue and step up the attacks the country has suffered for decades and specially in the last years. 
The self-proclamation of Juan Guaidó as president, his recognition by several foreign Governments, with the U.S. at the forefront, the unacknowledgement of President Maduro by the National Assembly, its statements demanding the soldiers to intervene, the uprise of some of them in Caracas or the appointment of a special representative in the Organization of American States (OAS) by the National Assembly are just some of the actions the political opposing groups, which are the majority in such organism, have made. Their aims are clear: They want to replace a government hostile to the interests they represent for a regime that will comply with them and that pretends to plunder the many natural, human and economic resources found in Venezuela. It is one more offensive of imperialism which, even though it has not ended up – yet – in war, like in Syria or Libya, it does pose the same goals than in these cases. 
The PCPE understands the solution to the problems of the Venezuelan people is no other than defending themselves by moving forward in the path of revolution which opposes the interests of the majority to the interests of those who want to wreak havoc to gain profits, by not allowing any obstacles nor brakes in that path. In this way, the Spanish communists will lend all their internationalist solidarity and support. 
Long live the struggle of the Venezuelan people! 
International Department of PCPE.

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Partido Comunista del Ecuador:

El PARTIDO COMUNISTA DEL ECUADOR, ante la actitud criminal e injerencista del gobierno de los EE.UU de tratar de imponer un Presidente ilegitimo, Inconstitucional y antidemocrático en la Republica Bolivariana de Venezuela, reitera su firme apoyo al gobierno legítimo del Presidente NICOLAS MADURO MORO en defensa de la soberanía e independencia de la Patria de Bolívar, Sucre y todos los patriotas venezolanos, destacando su valor digno y patriótico al romper relaciones diplomáticas y políticas con el Imperialismo norteamericano, causante de todas las miserias del mundo. 
El Partido Comunista del Ecuador expresa su solidaridad con el Pueblo Bolivariano de Venezuela y con su legitimo Presidente NICOLAS MADURO MORO, haciendo un llamado a todo el pueblo ecuatoriano a manifestarse públicamente en defensa del pueblo y el gobierno de la Republica Bolivariana de Venezuela. 
Al mismo tiempo, expresa su rechazo a la actitud inconstitucional, injerencista y de actitud vasalla del gobierno del Presidente Moreno, quien se ha manifestado como un títere más del imperialismo norteamericano en contra del legítimo gobierno Bolivariano de Venezuela. 
Winston Alarcón Elizalde SECRETARIO GENERAL.

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Communist Party of Turkey (TKP):

Venezuela will not allow imperialism to win

The USA, the main enemy of the peoples of Latin America, tried to attack Venezuela once again, by declaring the country an extraordinary threat to security, despite the fact that all the interventions that it has tried over the years have been repelled by the people and repeatedly failed. This time, the coup attempt by its puppets in the state, violating the constitution and ignoring the government of the people, has brought Venezuela once again to the brink of a bloody conflict. The USA has once again shown that it will not abstain from being brutal and will not recognize any law when it comes to its own interests. Clearly, if there is a threat to security, it is the USA itself.

But the threats of US imperialism will not be enough to delegitimize the Bolivarian Republic and its elected official representatives. Communist Party of Turkey strongly condemns these moves of the USA and of its allied extensions. Just as during the coup attempt against President Chavez in 2002, the Venezuelan people who flocked in front of the Miraflores Presidential Palace with a great will as of yesterday and defended their sovereignty rights will ruin this game too. The future of Latin America is in the struggle for equality and socialism in the tradition of standing against imperialism.

Central Committe,
Communist Party of Turkey.

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Portuguese Communist Party (PCP):

Statement by the PCP Press Office
January 24, 2019
The Portuguese Communist Party vehemently condemns the new putschist operation, orchestrated and led by the USA, against Venezuela and the Venezuelan people which, by means of a bizarre «self-proclamation» of a puppet president, a so-called «interim President» - promoted by Trump and immediately supported by Bolsonaro and others – confronts that country’s Constitutional order and seeks to challenge the legitimate President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, who was elected by the people’s vote.
This putschist operation is part and parcel of the systematic operation of destabilization, attempted coups d’Etat, boycotts, terrorism, speculation and hoarding, sanctions, economic, financial, political and diplomatic blockade, and even the threat of a military intervention by the USA – an operation which is at the root of Venezuela’s economic problemas and of the difficulties which its people face.
The PCP considers that the stance taken by the Portuguese Government is of the utmost seriousness. In confrontation with the interests of our country and of the Portuguese community in Venezuela , it has chosen to tail along after the European Union and the most reactionary circles, who are aligned with the unacceptable operation of destabilization and subversion against Venezuela.
The PCP stresses that defending national interests and those of the Portuguese communtiy who lives in Venezuela requires that the Portuguese Government takes a firm sovereign attitude which, strictly abiding by the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic and International Law, must respect the sovereignty and independence of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and must reject, and not align itself with, the escalation of interference and aggression against that country, which is spearheaded by the USA and supported by the EU.
PCP condena a nova operação golpista contra a Venezuela

Nota do Gabinete de Imprensa do PCP, 24 de Janeiro de 2019
O PCP condena com veemência a nova operação golpista orquestrada e comandada pelos EUA contra a Venezuela e o povo venezuelano que, através da insólita «auto-proclamação» de um presidente fantoche, dito «presidente interino» – promovido por Trump e logo apoiado por Bolsonaro e outros – afrontando a ordem constitucional deste País, procura colocar em causa o legítimo Presidente da República Bolivariana da Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, eleito pelo voto popular.
Operação golpista que se insere na sistemática acção de desestabilização, tentativas de golpes de Estado, boicotes, terrorismo, especulação e açambarcamento, sanções, bloqueio económico, financeiro, político e diplomático, e mesmo a ameaça de intervenção militar por parte dos EUA – que estão na base dos problemas da economia da Venezuela e das dificuldades que o seu povo enfrenta.
O PCP considera da maior gravidade a posição do Governo português que, ao arrepio dos interesses próprios do nosso País e da comunidade portuguesa, optou por uma atitude de seguidismo da União Europeia e dos círculos mais reaccionários alinhados com a inaceitável operação de desestabilização e subversão contra a Venezuela.

O PCP sublinha que a defesa dos interesses nacionais e da comunidade portuguesa que vive na Venezuela exige da parte do Governo português a assumpção de uma postura soberana que, no estrito respeito da Constituição da República Portuguesa e do Direito Internacional, se paute pelo respeito da soberania e independência da República Bolivariana da Venezuela e pela rejeição e não alinhamento com a escalada de ingerência e agressão contra este País dirigida pelos EUA e apoiada pela UE.
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Party of Communists, USA (PCUSA):

The Party of Communists USA condemns the attempt of the pro-imperialist and right-wing opposition, obviously directed by the USA, to install a puppet president by way of a military coup d'etat. The elected president of Venezuela is Nicolas Maduro, and our solidarity goes to the progressive forces that are gathering to defend the president, the constitution, independence and self-determination of the country. In these difficult times, we particularly salute the members of the Communist Party of Venezuela, which has recently also suffered assassinations of some of its leading comrades by the hired killers of the big landowners there.

It is clear that the United States is seeking to take advantage of Venezuela's economic problems, which were essentially also caused by the U.S. embargo policy, to roll back the country into the age of right-wing and fascist puppet regimes. As in the past, southern America, which the USA regards as its backyard since the famous Monroe doctrine of 1831, is to be turned into a haven of reaction and fascism in the service of US corporations. The immediate recognition of the self-proclaimed "interim president" by the USA, the OAS and other states is contrary to any international law and proves the directing of this coup attempt by the imperialists.

The PCUSA encourages all democratic and peace loving peoples to take to the streets in protest of unprovoked U.S. aggression against Venezuela. We ask everyone to flood the offices of your Senators and Members of Congress with calls opposing Trump's move toward war.

Political Bureau of the Central Committee 
Party of Communists USA

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Communist Party of India (Marxist):

The Communist Party of India (Marxist) strongly denounces the US intervention in the internal affairs of Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
The recognition by the US of Juan Guaido, the leader of the opposition groups in Venezuela as the president of Venezuela, is an attempt to subvert the constitutional order in that country and encourage a coup. 
Nicolas Maduro was legitimately elected as the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in the presidential election held on May 20th 2018.
His election is an expression of the popular will as sanctioned by the Constitution of Venezuela. Election observers from various countries who oversaw these elections endorsed them as free and fair. The US has been trying to destabilise the democratically elected government of Venezuela through various means, including the imposition of inhuman economic sanctions and threatening military intervention. These are brazen acts of violation of the UN Charter. 
In spite of the US openly calling armed forces to rebel against the elected government of Venezuela, the people of Venezuela and the armed forces have stood by the Maduro administration. 
The CPI(M) is confident that the people of Venezuela will continue to resist all US attempts to destabilise the country and once again comprehensively defeat the coup attempt of the right-wing forces. 
The CPI(M) strongly condemns the latest act of aggression of US imperialism on Venezuela and appeals to all the democratic and peace loving people worldwide to stand in solidarity with the people of Venezuela in their struggle against US interference and in defence of their sovereignty.

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New Communist Party of Yugoslavia (NCP):
Yankee, Go Home!
The New Communist Party of the Yugoslavia  strongly condemns the movements made  in the last days against the Venezuelan Government and the people, which continue and step up the attacks the country has suffered for decades and specially in the last years.
During the last 5 years, different U.S. administrations have been implementing a sophisticated destabilization plan against Venezuela to overthrow a democratic elected government. To combat this initiative Washington has applied all kinds of economic sanctions in order to create chaos in the internal market of Bolivar’s homeland. At the same time, they have created a deadly alliance with 12 Latin American governments in the “Lima group” and have recruited the European Community.
Compounded by the economic blockade of Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA), the backbone of the Venezuelan economy, the commercial and financial blockade is hitting hard the quality of life of the Venezuelan people.
The U.S. government's attitude of regime change systematically violates the sovereignty and self-determination of the Venezuelan people.
NKPJ oppose foreign interference in the internal affairs of Venezuela and we hope that the international community will also follow this principle.
Long live the struggle of the Venezuelan people!
International Department of NKPJ
Belgrade, January 24, 2019

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Party of Labour of Austria (PdA):

Statement by the Central Committee of the Party of Labour of Austria (PdA)
The Party of Labour of Austria condemns the attempt of the pro-imperialist and right-wing opposition, obviously directed by the USA, to install a puppet president through a coup. The elected president of Venezuela is Nicolas Maduro, and our solidarity goes to the progressive forces that are gathering to defend the president, the constitution, independence and self-determination of the country. In these difficult times, we particularly salute the members of the Communist Party of Venezuela, which has recently also suffered deaths as a result of the hired killers of the big landowners.
It is clear that the United States is seeking to take advantage of Venezuela's economic problems, which were essentially also caused by its embargo policy, to roll back into the age of right-wing and fascist puppet regimes. As in the past, southern America, which the USA regards as its backyard, is to be turned into a haven of reaction and fascism in the service of US corporations. The immediate recognition of the self-proclaimed "interim president" by the USA, the OAS and other states is contrary to any international law and proves the directing of this coup attempt by the imperialists.
We call on the anti-imperialist forces to resist the imperialist coup attempt together also here in Austria.
We demand from the Austrian Federal Government not to take part in the breach of international law by the USA and its allies, and also to act in the EU in such a way that the legitimate government and the legitimate president, Nicolas Maduro, continues to be regarded as Venezuela's state leadership.
Vienna, 25th January 2019.

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AKEL (Cyprus):
AKEL C.C. Press Office, 24 January 2019, Nicosia
AKEL denounces in the strongest possible terms the externally instigated attempt to impose on the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela a government that would be subordinate to the United States of America and serve interests alien to the Venezuelan people.
In violation of the country's Constitution and every concept of respect for the will of the people expressed through elections with the re-election of Nicolas Maduro, a spokesman for the Right-wing opposition was self-proclaimedpresident of the country, indeedprojecting as a pretext the alleged restoration of the constitutional order.
The immediate recognition of the self-proclaimed "president" by the US government and certain Latin American governments fully reveals the devious plans against Venezuela with the clear goal of thecountry’s rich oil and other natural resources passing under the control of US capital. At the same time, they are aiming to destroy the example set by Venezuela in defending the rights, dignity and independence of the people against foreign aggressions. They are aiming to subdue all resistance to the plans for the military control of South America by the US and its allies.
AKEL denounces the flagrant violation of International Law and the Charter of the United Nations by the US and other countries that have proceeded to this step of intervening in the internal affairs of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. This is a policy that is a continuation of economic, commercial and other sanctions imposed against the country in order to provoke instability and to prepare the ground even for a possible military intervention. It appears that both the US and those who are pursuing this tactics have not learnt lessonsfrom the devastating effects of their interventions in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and Yemen.
AKEL reiterates its solidarity with President Nicolas Maduro, the Venezuelan people, the Communist Party of Venezuela and the forces that are defending the dignity, sovereignty and independence of Venezuela. Only the Venezuelan people have the right to decide about their leadership and future. We expect the government of the Republic of Cyprus to adopt a position basedon principles and to denouncethe flagrant violations in the internal affairs of Venezuela.

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German Communist Party (DKP):
Yesterday, Wednesday, the current leader of the opposition in Venezuela, Juan Guaidó, chairman of the National Assembly, appointed himself interim president of Venezuela in a classic coup situation similar to that of April 2002, when the US failed with its coup against Hugo Chávez. He thus tramples underfoot the democratic elections that elected President Nicolás Maduro president by a large majority last year. The fact that parts of the Venezuelan opposition had called for a boycott of the elections due to a lack of prospects of success serves as a pretext for Maduro having no democratic legitimacy to exercise his office – which Guaidó himself in no way possesses.
The United States, the Organization of American States they direct, and some right-wing neighboring Latin American countries recognized Juan Guaidó so quickly that a joint elaboration of the coup plan can be assumed. The fact that Guaidó's self-empowerment did not take place at the time of the allegedly unlawful presidential elections, but only now, after the inauguration of the right-wing extremist president of Brazil, Venezuela’s most important and largest neighbor, shows that regional and military intervention is being considered. In view of this external escalation, it can be understood that Venezuela broke off its relations with the USA.
If this obvious coup by an opposition leader without legitimacy were to be recognized, Venezuela’s democratic order, which has developed since 1999 by countless elections and referendums with unprecedented popular participation in regional terms, would be ended by external interference and violence.
The German Communist Party urges the German government to respect Venezuela’s democratic structures based on elections and popular participation, and to recognize the government of President Nicolás Maduro. Under no circumstances may the wrong policy of the US Government be followed, and the diplomatic recognition of a putschist government be realized! 
Keine Anerkennung der Putschregierung in Venezuela!
Am gestrigen Mittwoch hat sich der aktuelle Führer der Opposition in Venezuela, der Vorsitzende der Nationalversammlung Juan Guaidó, in einer klassischen Putschsituation, die der der Ereignisse vom April 2002 ähnelt, als die USA mit ihrem Putsch gegen Hugo Chávez gescheitert waren, zum Interimspräsidenten Venezuelas ernannt. Damit tritt er die demokratischen Wahlen, mit denen Präsident Nicolás Maduro vergangenes Jahr mit großer Mehrheit zum Präsidenten gewählt wurde, mit Füßen. Dass Teile der venezolanischen Opposition mangels Erfolgsaussichten zum Boykott der Wahlen aufgerufen hatten, dient als Vorwand dafür, dass Maduro keine demokratische Legitimation zur Amtsausübung habe – die Guaidó selbst in keiner Weise besitzt. 
Die USA, die von ihnen gelenkte Organisation Amerikanischer Staaten und einige rechtsgerichtete lateinamerikanische Nachbarstaaten haben Juan Guaidó so schnell anerkannt, dass von einer gemeinsamen Ausarbeitung des Putschplans ausgegangen werden kann. Dass die Selbstermächtigung Guaidós nicht zu Zeiten der angeblich unrechtmäßigen Präsidentschaftswahlen, sondern erst jetzt, nach der Amtseinführung des rechtsextremistischen Präsidenten Brasiliens, des wichtigsten und größten Nachbarlands Venezuelas, erfolgte, zeigt, dass eine regionale, auch militärische Einmischung ins Auge gefasst wird. Der Abbruch der Beziehungen Venezuelas zu den USA ist angesichts dieser äußeren Eskalation nachvollziehbar. 
Mit einer Anerkennung dieses offensichtlichen Putsches durch einen nicht legitimierten Oppositionsführer würde die demokratische Ordnung Venezuelas, die sich durch unzählige Wahlen und Referenden unter im regionalen Vergleich beispielloser Beteiligung des Volkes seit 1999 entwickelt hat, mit äußerer Einmischung und Gewalt beendet werden. 
Die Deutsche Kommunistische Partei fordert die Bundesregierung auf, die auf Wahlen und Volksbeteiligung fußenden demokratischen Strukturen Venezuelas zu respektieren und die Regierung von Präsident Nicolás Maduro anzuerkennen. Keinesfalls darf der falschen Politik der US-Regierung gefolgt werden und eine diplomatische Anerkennung eines Putschisten umgesetzt werden!

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Partito Comunista (PC), Italia:

Il Partito Comunista (PC) e il Fronte della Gioventù Comunista (FGC) condannano il tentativo di colpo di Stato in Venezuela e la scelta del governo USA di Donald Trump di riconoscere come presidente della Repubblica Bolivariana del Venezuela il leader dell’opposizione Juan Guaidó, presidente dell’Assemblea Nazionale che oggi si è autoproclamato a capo del Governo.

I fatti delle ultime ore rappresentano l’ultimo tentativo in ordine di tempo delle forze reazionarie, dei monopoli internazionali e della grande borghesia Venezuela, rappresentati politicamente dai gruppi della cosiddetta opposizione, di impadronirsi del potere politico dopo aver perso nuovamente le elezioni presidenziali.

L’ingerenza del governo USA, che con sorprendente rapidità annuncia il sostegno ufficiale a quello che è a tutti gli effetti un tentativo di golpe, è un atto criminale ingiustificabile, che testimonia come ciò che accade oggi sia stato pianificato da tempo. Altrettanto inaccettabile è l’invito ai governi di altri paesi di sostenere l’autoproclamato nuovo presidente.

In queste ore, i comunisti sono al fianco del popolo venezuelano e del suo diritto all’autodeterminazione. Siamo pronti a mobilitarci per sostenere le forze progressiste, i lavoratori e il popolo venezuelano nella legittima lotta per la difesa del processo bolivariano e delle sue conquiste, contro ogni ingerenza imperialista.


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Partido Comunista do Brasil (PCdoB):

Nota de direção nacional do PCdoB

O Itamaraty proclamou em nota oficial o reconhecimento de um pretenso e autoproclamado “Presidente Encarregado da Venezuela”, Sr. Juan Guaidó. Alega isso se dar “de acordo com a Constituição daquele país, tal como avalizado pelo Tribunal Supremo de Justiça”.

Nicolás Maduro foi empossado presidente dia 10 de janeiro, fruto de eleições legitimamente convocadas, acompanhadas por dezenas de delegações internacionais, em 10 de maio de 2018. A posse, expressamente nos termos constitucionais segundo o art. 231, foi efetuada pelo Tribunal Supremo de Justiça. A Venezuela tem uma Constituição aprovada pela soberania popular e democrática, da qual emana o mandato legítimo de Nicolás Maduro.

A posição do governo brasileiro subordina-se à posição dos EUA, e soma-se à de outros países que agem pela desestabilização da Venezuela, bem como a OEA.

Tal posição representa uma mudança qualitativa e profundamente negativa no papel do Brasil no mundo. Mais que a falsa justificativa, o ato alimenta intentos de intervenção militar de Donald Trump, presidente dos EUA, na Venezuela, o qual se utiliza de um vizinho do porte do Brasil na América do Sul para dar justificativa a tais intentos. Representa, portanto, gravíssimo perigo de um conflito militar na América Latina, em região vizinha à Amazônia, em torno de interesses inconfessáveis relacionados à disputa geopolítica das fontes de petróleo.

O Brasil há 140 anos não tem conflitos militares com seus vizinhos. Ao contrário, sempre adotou os caminhos negociados e equilíbrio pragmático nas relações internacionais, em especial com os vizinhos latino-americanos e caribenhos, como fator estabilizador no Continente.

O PCdoB condena veementemente tal posição e se mantém solidário com os preceitos de respeito à autodeterminação, não-intervenção e solução pacífica dos conflitos como princípio pétreo do ordenamento nas relações exteriores de nosso país.

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Communist Party of the Russian Federation (CPRF):

Империалистические силы во главе с США совершили очередное гнусное преступление. 23 января в Венесуэле была предпринята попытка государственного переворота, инспирированного иностранными державами с опорой на внутреннюю праволиберальную оппозицию.
Независимый курс и прогрессивные реформы, которые осуществляются в стране с приходом к власти Уго Чавеса, всегда вызывали раздражение мировой олигархии. Крупный капитал неоднократно пытался свергнуть законное правительство Венесуэлы. Эти попытки продолжились при преемнике команданте Чавеса – Николасе Мадуро. Против Каракаса были введены санкции, сопровождающиеся дипломатическим давлением и оголтелой информационной кампанией. Правые боевики развернули террор против сторонников правительства.
Но все поползновения вызывали решительный отпор со стороны трудящихся Венесуэлы. Несмотря на трудности, вызванные развязанной экономической войной, миллионы граждан выступили в защиту легитимной власти. Это доказала убедительная победа Николаса Мадуро на президентских выборах в мае прошлого года. США, Евросоюз и правые режимы Латинской Америки отказались признать выбор венесуэльского народа. Однако своим демаршем они ничего не добились. 10 января Мадуро официально вступил в должность.
Это подтолкнуло внешние силы к открытому вмешательству. В среду так называемый спикер утратившей свою легитимность Национальной ассамблеи Хуан Гуайдо провозгласил самого себя исполняющим обязанности президента Венесуэлы. Абсолютно незаконный с точки зрения Конституции страны шаг был поддержан империалистическими державами. Президент США Д. Трамп моментально признал Гуайдо и пообещал принять «все меры», если законное правительство откажется сложить полномочия. Крайне показательно, что своим штабом самопровозглашённый «глава государства» избрал посольство Колумбии. Власти этой страны являются последовательными проводниками американского влияния в регионе.
Но планы заговорщиков разбились о волю народных масс. На улицы и площади Венесуэлы вышли сотни тысяч сторонников Николаса Мадуро. О поддержке законной власти заявили Вооружённые Силы. Министр обороны Владимир Падрино Лопес сообщил, что армия не признаёт «президента», навязанного чужими интересами, и по-прежнему будет защищать Конституцию и национальный суверенитет. В свою очередь, Николас Мадуро подчеркнул, что не пойдёт на поводу у империалистических хищников и останется с народом страны. Провалились попытки международной изоляции. Поддержать президента-самозванца отказались власти Мексики, Боливии, Кубы, Турции, России и многих других стран.
Коммунисты и народно-патриотические силы нашей страны решительно осуждают попытку переворота в Венесуэле. Ни США, ни кому-либо другому не позволено навязывать свою волю народу суверенного государства. Мы прекрасно знаем, что скрывается за всеми этими словами о «правах человека» и «нарушениях демократии». Тем самым власти западных держав и стоящие за их спинами капиталистические монополии пытаются подчинить себе страны мира и захватить их ресурсы. Со схожими нападками сталкиваются сегодня Россия, Китай, Иран, Сирия, Куба, Никарагуа и другие государства. Это доказывает важность сплочения всех антиимпериалистических сил планеты для противостояния мировым жандармам под руководством США.
КПРФ выражает солидарность законному правительству Венесуэлы и её народу. Мы ждём от руководства России энергичной и действенной поддержки дружественной страны в этот непростой для неё час. Завоевания Боливарианской революции должны быть надежно защищены!
Да здравствует Венесуэла!
Да здравствует правительство Николаса Мадуро!
Да здравствует сопротивление разрушительным действиям глобального капитала!

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Parti Communiste Révolutionnaire de France (PCRF):

Une tentative de coup d’État a lieu au Venezuela pour mettre fin à sa politique d’indépendance nationale et de redistribution d’une partie de la richesse nationale vers les couches populaires. 
Après avoir tenté vainement le coup de force de la rue, le sabotage économique, la réaction vénézuélienne vient de tenter une nouvelle opération en coordination étroite avec les États-Unis, les gouvernements réactionnaires de Colombie, du Brésil, d’Argentine et du Paraguay et la complicité active de l’Union Européenne, dans laquelle là encore, le président Macron a perdu une fois de plus l’occasion de se taire.
Dans les dernières semaines, les pressions se sont multipliées sur certains secteurs de l’armée pour les pousser au putsch, tandis que des tentatives sont relancées pour réactiver l’agitation de rue. Mais en prétendant avoir désigné un Président par intérim, la réaction vénézuélienne vient de franchir un pas extrêmement dangereux que confirme la reconnaissance de cette désignation par les États que nous avons cités : il s’agit en effet de réunir les conditions pour permettre une intervention militaire directe des États-Unis sous couvert d’un appel des prétendues nouvelles autorités.
Le Parti Communiste Révolutionnaire de France appelle la classe ouvrière de France, les démocrates, les militants anti-impérialistes, à se mobiliser pour empêcher que le Venezuela d’aujourd’hui ne devienne le Chili d’hier. On ne peut pas ne pas évoquer qu’au même moment, la pression se resserre contre le Nicaragua. C’est l’expression de la volonté de l’impérialisme états-unien, et des bourgeoisies monopolistes de l’Amérique Latine, de reprendre en main son "arrière-cour". Et chacun est à même de constater que l’Union Européenne, pour des raisons de classe, participe en fait à l’opération en cours, comme elle participe à la politique anti-cubaine des États-Unis.
Non à l’agression contre le Venezuela !
Solidarité avec les autorités légitimes du pays et les masses populaires qui luttent pour un pays indépendant, maître de ses richesses !
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Communist Party, USA (CPUSA):

The already dangerous situation involving Venezuela has suddenly escalated over the last few days, as the legally elected president, Nicolas Maduro, has prepared to start a new term.
On January 21, a small group of Venezuelan National Guard soldiers attempted and failed to carry out a military coup. They were encouraged in this effort not only by the Venezuelan right but by reactionary leaders and governments in neighboring countries, and by U.S. President Donald Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and U.S. National Security advisor John Bolton.
Then on January 23, the Trump administration announced it is recognizing an obscure right-wing politician, Juan Guiadó, as the legitimate president of Venezuela. Guiadó, part of the fascist elements of the U.S. supported Venezuelan opposition, illegally declared himself president, under an imaginary constitutional mandate. Guaidó is the new President of the National Assembly, an illegitimate body that Venezuela’s Supreme Court has ruled, since 2016, to be in contempt of court.
In response to the Trump administration actions, and very naturally, the Venezuelan government has broken off diplomatic relations with the United States. Venezuela ordered U.S. diplomats to leave the country within 72 hours, but in another dangerous move, the U.S. is ordering them to stay on the pretext that Maduro is not the real president. More unilateral sanctions are also being imposed by the Trump administration.
Venezuelans in their thousands have poured into the street to express their opposition to the U.S. moves.
The Trump administration’s intervention in Venezuela is a clear violation of international law, national sovereignty, and independence. The actions are consistent with their disdain for democracy in all its forms, and their trampling on constitutional and democratic rights in the U.S. as well as internationally. The actions are reminiscent of the long history of U.S. imperialist arrogance, overthrowing governments, invasion, gunboat diplomacy and the installation of subservient military juntas.
This policy had and has no place in relations between states. The people of the United States should be especially sensitive to this given foreign interference in our own 2016 elections and its impact on the outcome. What’s good for us is good for the Venezuelan people too.
There is a danger that this high handed, imperialist action on the part of the Trump administration will serve as a pretext for even more violent intervention by the United States and allied extreme right-wing governments in Brazil, Colombia and others in Venezuelan internal affairs.
This sharp escalation of attacks on Venezuela comes after long U.S. campaign of destabilizing the Venezuelan economy and society. Imperialism cannot tolerate, in its so-called “back yard,” governments that use their nations’ wealth, in Venezuela’s case derived from its massive oil resources, to improve the lives of working people and the poor rather than deliver that wealth to fill the coffers of transnational corporations.
But resolving the challenges, crises and political differences in Venezuela us up to the Venezuelan people and their own democratic processes. It must be done free from the U.S. and other foreign interference.
Moreover, the actions of the Trump administration risk the imposition of a military dictatorship on the Venezuelan people, with a resulting elimination of all democratic rights, and sparking a civil war that could spill over to the entire region.
Destabilizing Venezuela intending to achieving “regime change” and the imposition of yet another anti-worker right-wing government like those of Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil and Ivan Duque in Colombia is not in the interests of the Venezuelan working people or those of the United States. Under both President Maduro and his predecessor, Hugo Chavez, Venezuela has repeatedly shown its willingness to maintain friendly relations with the United States and its people, even going so far as to help poor communities in the United States by providing them with discounted heating oil.
The people of the United States need to speak out forcefully and immediately to put a stop to the Trump administrations’ reckless actions against Venezuela, which could easily lead to a civil war with regional and U.S. participation.

The Communist Party USA calls on all our members and friends to immediately contact their senators and representatives to demand an end to this illegal and dangerous intervention in the affairs of a sovereign nation which has done nothing to harm our country or its people.

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Partido Comunista de la Argentina:

El Partido Comunista de la Argentina rechaza la aventura golpista de la derecha venezolana estimulada por el imperialismo norteamericano que pone en peligro a toda la región, expresa su solidaridad activa con el gobierno y el pueblo venezolanos y rechaza la posición neocolonialista, antidemocrática y obediente del imperio, del gobierno de Macri.  
La agenda golpista de la derecha venezolana sigue avanzando con el respaldo de Estados Unidos. Algunos que se proclaman custodios de los valores republicanos y democráticos en Argentina apoyan el golpe o guardan escandaloso silencio. Por esa razón no valen las condenas a medias. No vale reclamar el respeto a la autodeterminaci6n por parte del gobierno en Argentina y condenar la gestión del presidente Maduro.
A Trump y Estados Unidos, de la mano de la derecha venezolana, se les hace agua la boca por las reserves de oro, coltán y petróleo, pero los planes de quienes quieren convertir a Venezuela en una colonia yanqui van a ser derrotados.
Los comunistas rechazamos cualquier intento de intervención extranjera y este avasallamiento al pueblo venezolano y a su presidente Maduro, elegido democráticamente en elecciones, las más monitoreadas internacionalmente, con observadores de todo el mundo que reconocen al sistema electoral venezolano como el más destacado en transparencia.
Como dijera el comandante Hugo Chávez: “Váyanse al carajo yanquis de mierda. Váyanse al carajo cien veces. Aquí estamos los hijos de Bolívar, los hijos de Guaicaipuro, los hijos de Tupac Amaru y estamos dispuestos a ser libres.“
¡Fuerza Nicolás y su heroico pueblo venezolano!
¡Fuera el imperialismo yanqui de América latina!
Buenos Aires. 24 de enero 2019

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Communist Party of Canada:

The Communist Party of Canada condemns the Canadian government’s recognition of Juan Guaido, leader of Venezuela’s opposition and self-proclaimed President of Venezuela, as the ‘legitimate’ President of Venezuela; and we condemn the Canadian government’s endorsement of the US call for the Venezuelan military to overthrow the popularly elected and legitimate government of Nicolas Maduro.
We demand that the government and Parliament immediately revoke these statements which are endorsements of illegal and criminal acts of war under the United Nations Charter, and criminal acts of state terrorism against the government and the people of Venezuela.
The Maduro government was democratically and popularly elected in 2018, with international observers reporting a scrupulously fair election process and election result.
That the US, Canada, and the EU do not like the election result and have done everything in their power to undermine the democratically elected government is an open secret.  From external political interference to economic sabotage and manufactured violence, there has been no respite from the outrage of global capitalist governments and corporations at the Bolivarian revolution and the people’s continuous support for it.  Today thousands of Venezuelans took to the streets to support the PSUV government and President Maduro, though this kind of mass public support is never reflected in Canadian TV or media reports.
Now that the plot to overthrow the Venezuelan government is exposed for all to see, the labour and democratic movements and all who care for democracy, sovereignty and the right of nations to self-determination must speak up to demand the US, Canada, and the ultra-right governments of Colombia and Brazil keep their hands off Venezuela, and respect the will of the Venezuelan people as reflected in the 2018 election result.
The Communist Party of Canada gives full support and solidarity to the PSUV government which is defending Venezuela’s sovereignty, independence and right to national self-determination.
What the US, Canada and the EU are allowed to do in Venezuela today, they will do to working people in their own countries tomorrow.
Say NO to Canadian backed coup d’etats against Venezuela!   Say NO to Trump, Trudeau and Freeland!
YES to democracy, sovereignty and self-determination!
Central Executive Committee, Communist Party of Canada.
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Pôle de Renaissance Communiste en France (PRCF):
A l’heure où la subversion fasciste tente un coup d’état contre le président MADURO,nous exprimons notre solidarité de combat avec le Venezuela engagé depuis 1998 et l’élection d’Hugo CHÁVEZ dans un processus progressiste et patriotique que le PRCF a toujours soutenu.
Ce processus a provoqué la vindicte de l’oligarchie capitaliste et latifundiaire du pays et celle de l’impérialisme étasunien et de ses laquais en Amérique Latine comme en Europe.
TRUMP vient de reconnaitre comme président du Venezuela le chef de l’opposition oligarchique et fasciste, actuel président de l’assemblée nationale, Juan GUAIDO, qui s’est auto-proclamé président. Le boucher de Washington a été suivi par ses chiens de garde, BOLSONORO, le président fasciste du Brésil, et les gouvernements du Canada, du Pérou et de la Colombie.
Nous mettons en garde l’Exécutif français et l’UE contre tout alignement sur Washington qui entraînerait, pour MACRON et l’UE, une honte ineffaçable.
Cette tentative de coup d’Etat est évidement orchestrée par Washington. 
Le Venezuela bolivarien a riposté : le président Maduro a annoncé la rupture des relations diplomatiques avec les Etats-Unis et d’immenses manifestations de soutien à Maduro et au processus  .”L’unique transition au Venezuela est celle vers le socialisme“, a déclaré mardi Diosdado Cabello, le président de l’Assemblée constituante.
La situation reste très préoccupante car le chef de la “diplomatie” étasunienne, Mike Pompeo, appelle explicitement Nicolas Maduro à « céder la place ». Les menaces d’intervention militaire des impérialistes secondés par le Brésil fasciste et ses exécuteurs d’Amérique Latine se précisent.
Il est impératif que toutes les forces attachées à la souveraineté des peuples, à l’indépendance nationale et au progrès social expriment ensemble leur solidarité militante au Venezuela bolivarien.
Chaque heure compte.
Le PRCF propose une pétition soutenue par les forces patriotiques et progressistes de notre pays, politiques et syndicales, exprimant le soutien des travailleurs et de notre peuple à la République Bolivarienne du Venezuela, à son peuple et à son président, Nicolas MADURO !

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Partido Comunista Brasileiro (PCB):

Nota da Comissão Política Nacional do PCB
O Partido Comunista Brasileiro (PCB) vem a público condenar de forma veemente a tentativa de ingerência imperialista da administração Trump (EUA) e da OEA (Organização dos Estados Americanos), em conluio com as forças reacionárias da Venezuela, contra a soberania do povo venezuelano e seu direito de decidir democraticamente sobre os destinos do país.
O PCB considera haver em curso um processo golpista com a ilegítima proclamação de Juan Guaidó como Presidente da Venezuela, acompanhada do desconhecimento, pela Assembleia Nacional, dominada por políticos de direita, do Presidente Nicolás Maduro, eleito diretamente pelo povo venezuelano, em processo francamente democrático ocorrido em maio de 2018.
É inaceitável o reconhecimento de vários governantes estrangeiros ao golpista Guaidó, a exemplo do que fez de imediato o reacionário presidente brasileiro Jair Bolsonaro. Tais dirigentes atuam como fantoches do imperialismo estadunidense e defendem a derrubada do Presidente Maduro, para destruir o processo bolivariano de conquistas sociais e impor um regime que pretende saquear os recursos naturais, humanos e econômicos existentes na Venezuela, com destaque para o petróleo.
A crise econômica que atinge o povo venezuelano é, em grande parte, resultante das ações desestabilizadoras promovidas pelo imperialismo estadunidense, pelos governos a ele subservientes na América Latina e pela direita da Venezuela, que se utilizam inclusive de métodos terroristas, como a tentativa de assassinato do Presidente Maduro em agosto de 2018.
Os últimos processos eleitorais na Venezuela, tanto para a Assembleia Nacional Constituinte, que obteve muito mais votos do que os conquistados pelos parlamentares da Assembleia que hoje assume claramente sua face golpista, quanto para a presidência da República, demonstraram a opção do povo venezuelano, que deseja manter e aprofundar a Revolução Bolivariana e não retroceder à condição anterior de nação submissa ao imperialismo. Tal opção também se verifica através das manifestações populares, nas ruas de Caracas e em outras regiões do país, de apoio a Maduro e contrárias à ingerência externa na vida dos venezuelanos.
Somente o povo e a classe trabalhadora da Venezuela têm o direito de decidir sobre seu destino, mais ninguém. Repudiamos as investidas do imperialismo e de seus fantoches e declaramos irrestrita solidariedade ao povo e ao governo venezuelanos, na certeza de que saberão, mais uma vez, resistir a esses covardes ataques e avançar no caminho para construir uma sociedade capaz de superar o capitalismo, as desigualdades sociais e a exploração imperialista.
Todo apoio à luta do povo, da classe trabalhadora e do campesinato venezuelanos em respeito a sua soberania e autodeterminação! Nossa solidariedade, em especial, para com o Partido Comunista da Venezuela!
Imperialistas, tirem as mãos da Venezuela!
Comissão Política Nacional do PCB

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Communist Party of Ireland:

Statement by the Communist Party of Ireland
27 January 2019.
The Communist Party of Ireland expresses its solidarity with the working people of Venezuela and the progressive government of Nicolás Maduro. We pledge our solidarity and support also to the Communist Party of Venezuela as it rallies working people to defend the advances already made and to resist the US-inspired and US-organised coup d’état.
The people of Venezuela are experiencing a counter-revolution inspired and organised by the US government, backed up by the European Union. For twenty years, since the beginning of the political and economic transformation initiated by Hugo Chávez, Venezuela has been subjected to violent reaction from right-wing forces within the country and from the United States, from coup to sanctions—sanctions that have inflicted great suffering on the workers and peasants of that country.
The further tightening of US sanctions by the Trump regime in 2017 has plunged the country into a deep crisis, reducing government revenue and thereby reducing its ability to import essential medical supplies, food, and much more. This is nothing less than an attempted coup by the Trump regime, in alliance with reactionary and fascist forces within Venezuela, with their recognition of a minor political figure as “president” in opposition to the democratically elected president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro.
The struggle now under way in Venezuela is for re-establishing the power and domination of the United States over the entire region. It recognises the fact that Venezuela has for years now been at the heart of progressive economic and political changes throughout Latin America. For two decades, Venezuela has led the way in strengthening the unity of progressive developments and the weakening of US imperialist hegemony, with such regional initiatives as the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America (ALBA), the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR), the Bank of the South, the news network Telesur, and the Common Market of the South (Mercosur) for reinforcing South American trade.
From the very beginning, every effort has been made to destabilise and overthrow progressive governments throughout the region, with coups d’état against Chávez (2002) and against Aristide in Haïti (2004) and Manuel Zelaya in Honduras (2010), followed by parliamentary coups against Fernando Lugo of Paraguay and Dilma Rousseff in Brazil (2016).
This is all for the purpose of controlling the wealth and natural resources of Latin America; in the case of Venezuela, oil and gold are central. It is reported that in 2017 Venezuela had the largest estimated oil reserves of any country, even Saudi Arabia. Venezuela has also one of the world’s largest reserves of gold, coltan, and other precious metals. In 2018 Venezuela advanced in the certification of more than thirty goldfields in the country, with which it aimed to establish itself as “the second-largest gold reserve on the planet.”
The United States has been imposing sanctions and restrictions on Venezuela so as to suffocate the economy, imposing great hardship on the people, with the aim of getting its hands on this great wealth. In this project it has the full support of the European Union.
The Communist Party of Ireland calls on Irish workers and progressive opinion to rally in solidarity with the working people of Venezuela. The United States wishes to drown the hopes and dreams of workers, the poor and peasants in a sea of blood, inflicting great hurt on the people with its savage illegal sanctions.
Trade unions and progressive parties and individuals must raise their voices and demand that the Government not follow the lead of the United States and the European Union on sanctions but reaffirm its recognition of the legitimate government of Venezuela, to oppose the organising of a coup d’état, which is in preparation, and uphold the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of states.

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Communist Party of Israel (Maki):

Communist Party of Israel, Against the US-led Coup Attempt in Venezuela
The Central Committee of the Communist Party of Israel issued the following statement on Friday January 25, 2019:
The Communist Party of Israel (CPI) strongly condemns the blatant intervention of US imperialism and its allies in the internal affairs of Venezuela aiming to remove the elected President of Venezuela Nicolas Maduro.
It is clear that the United States is seeking to take advantage of Venezuela's economic problems, which were essentially also caused by its embargo policy, to roll back into the age of right wing and fascist puppet regimes. As in the past, Latin America, which the USA regards as its backyard, is to be turned into a haven of reaction and fascism in the service of US corporations. The immediate recognition of the self-proclaimed "interim president" by the USA and other right wing governments is contrary to any international law and proves the directing of this coup attempt by the imperialists.
The plan of regime changes in Venezuela is going for a long time. The present US move to recognize the opposition leader Juan Gerardo Guaidó Márquez as interim President and to call upon other Latin American countries to follow USA is a new pattern of regime change which will jeopardize the peace and stability in the entire Latin America and particularly can pushing Venezuela into a civil war.
The imperialist design of creating dual powers in Venezuela will deepen the social divide and undermine the authority of the State thereby endangering its sovereignty. Moreover, the US military intervention is looming large over Venezuela. However, the Armed forces in Venezuela expressed their resolve to meet any such challenge.
The Communist Party of Israel hopes that with the popular support of Venezuelan people, President Maduro will be able to defeat all imperialist machinations. The CPI urges upon the governments of Israel and other Middle East countries not to support any effort of Trump administration to destabilize the elected governments in Latin America especially in Venezuela against the will of the people.

ندين الانقلاب والتدخل الأمريكي فى فنزويلا! 

يدين الحزب الشيوعي الاسرائيلي إعلان خوان غويدو نفسه، أمس الأربعاء، "رئيسًا مؤقتًا" لفنزويلا في محاولة للانقلاب على الرئيس الشرعي نيكولاس مادورو، وعلى ارادة الشعب الفنزويلي الدمقراطية وقراره الواضح في الانتخابات الرئاسية الأخيرة.

إن هذه الخطوة الانقلابية المدانة التي بادر لها غويدو هي خطوة مبيّتة ومدعومة مباشرة من إدارة ترامب، من المنظومة الإمبريالية التي تسعى الى السيطرة على مقدرات وثروات الشعب الفنزويلي من نفط وغيره، وإخضاع شعوب أمريكا اللاتينية لأجنداتها ومصالحها. 

إضافة إلى عدم شرعية هذا الانقلاب، خاصةً بعد تهافت بعض الأنظمة في أمريكا اللاتينية والعالم إلى الاعتراف بغويدو رئيسًا بما يكشف ما وراء الأكمة، من ضرب للحسم الديمقراطي في الانتخابات الأخيرة والتي أفرزت مادورو رئيسًا للبلاد بأغلبية كبيرة؛ وهو دلالة على أن الإمبريالية الأمريكية تواصل التدخّل في شؤون جميع دول العالم، ودول أمريكا اللاتينية على وجه الخصوص، منذ القرن الماضي وحتى اليوم، وتسعى لسلبها استقلالها الوطني وثرواتها الطبيعية والتحكّم في مصائرها، بواسطة عملائها على شكل معارضة داخلية موالية لأمريكا – معارضة تهتم بمصالحها وتخدم أسيادها من الرأسمال والأمريكي منه تحديدًا. 

في الأعوام العشرين الأخيرة، مرّت فنزويلا بتطورات ديمقراطية كبيرة وشهدت مشاركة غير مسبوقة في الانتخابات الأخيرة مقارنة مع دول أخرى، ونجحت في إنهاء التدخّل الخارجي في شؤون البلاد والسيطرة على الأمن الداخلي. من هنا لا يُمكننا تجاهل العقوبات الاقتصادية الأمريكية المفروضة على فنزويلا والتي تهدف إلى إفشال الحكومة الحالية وولاية مادورو تحديدًا وتجويع الشعب الفنزويلي وتأليبه ضد قيادته المنتخبة ديمقراطيًا. 

ويدعو الحزب الشيوعي الإسرائيلي إلى احترام سيادة الشعب الفنزويلي وخياره الديمقراطي، ونحذّر من دعم أي تدخّل أمريكي، مباشر أو غيره، لما فيه من كوارث هدّامة، ونعلن عن تضامننا التام مع الشعب الفنزويلي البطل وكلنا ثقة بانه قادر على حماية ثورته ودولته من كلالمؤامرات.

الجمعة، 25 كانون الثاني/يناير 2019
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Tudeh Party (Iran)

Statement by the Tudeh Party of Iran:
The Tudeh Party of Iran is closely following reports coming from Venezuela on the coordinated attempts by the US administration and its regional allies in Latin America to subvert the legitimate, constitutional and elected government of the Bolivarian Republic.  According to this news, the architects of the attempted coup d’état have proclaimed Juan Guaidó, a spokesperson of the right-wing opposition and hitherto relatively unknown figure, as president of the country and have started moves to engineer ‘legitimacy’ for the US sponsored puppet “administration”. The fact that the US and a number of right-wing governments in Latin America, including Brazil and Chile, recognised the putschist frontman as the legitimate president immediately after his proclamation as such clearly exposes the external origins of this attempted coup d’état. 
As a country rich in natural resources, with vast reserves of oil and minerals, US Imperialism has always been interested to exercise full control over Venezuela and its political system.  However, in 1998, Hugo Chavez took office and decisively changed the orientation of the economic, political and social policies in Venezuela.  The declaration of Venezuela as a Bolivarian Republic and the policies adopted to defend the rights, dignity and independence of the people against foreign aggressions marked the country out as a target for regime change by the US.
The fact that a coup attempt has been undertaken is not a surprise, having come about as the culmination of a long series of punitive measures adopted by the US towards the country over the past two decades. The imposition of harsh economic, banking and monetary sanctions by the US and its allies has seriously undermined the Venezuelan economy and has sparked social anxiety and unrest as a result.  These crippling sanctions by successive US administrations have directly resulted in hyper-inflation and a major scarcity of basic goods. This crisis coupled with the   immediate recognition of a relative unknown as self-proclaimed "president" by the US government and its allies in the Americas leaves no room for doubt as to the devious designs against Venezuela with the clear goal of the country’s natural resources passing under the control of US capital.
The Tudeh Party of Iran strongly condemns the flagrant violation of international law and the UN Charter by the US and its reactionary allies in attempting to subvert the rule of law in Venezuela and intervening in the internal affairs of the Bolivarian Republic.
We consider the policies and actions of the US administration and its allies as clearly designed to pave the way for intervention in the internal affairs of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.  We further believe that unless this adventurous and illegal attempt is resisted and completely defeated it could become a model of behaviour re-employed by Imperialism to shape the international order suit their priorities and hegemonic interests.
We declare our solidarity with the people of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
The Tudeh Party of Iran reiterates its solidarity with the legitimate government of Venezuela, the Communist Party of Venezuela and all forces defending and upholding the sovereignty and independence of Venezuela. Only the Venezuelan people have the right to decide about the political order and future of their country.
The Tudeh Party of Iran
25 January 2019.