
Thursday, September 7, 2017

KKE: Comment about the visit of France's president Emmanuel Macron in Greece

Regarding the visit of the President of the French Republic Emannuel Macron in Greece (7-8 September), the Communist Party of Greece issued the following comment:

"When the government welcomes a President, who in his own country has unleashed the biggest anti-workers attack of the last years, even without a memorandum (of austerity), then everyone understands that this visit not only does not bring any positive thing for the Greek people, but (furthermore) proves the anti-people intentions of the government itself, which Macron rushed to greet. 

Mr.Macron comes to Greece for business, as a representative of French business groups that accompany him and which, in order to invest in our country, will demand the same "labor jungle" that they also demand for French workers."

Source: 902.gr / Translation: In Defense of Communism.