
Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Communist Party USA: Message to all Solidnet parties concerning the so-called "American Communist Party"

In a message addressed "to all Solidnet parties" (i.e Communist and Workers' Parties which participate in the IMWCP), the International Department of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) warns about the foundation of the so-called "American Communist Party" by a "clique of pro-Trump individuals". 

The message of CPUSA stresses out:

"Dear Comrades, 

You may have recently received notice of the formation of an "American Communist Party." They claim to have splintered from the Communist Party USA after our 32nd National Convention bringing with them 26 clubs. Please be aware no such splintering has taken place: nor have 26 clubs left the party to form a new one. Rather this is a small exclusively online movement.

In fact, instead of emerging from the CPUSA this clique was birthed outside of our ranks from several pro-Trump individuals calling them MAGA Communists, imitating and opportunistically hoping to benefit from Trump's movement.

Ideologically it represents a populist phenomenon that appears left but under the impact of U.S. great power chauvinism takes a number of right-wing positions. It represents a red-brown alliance influenced by Russian National Bolshevism, having nothing to do with MarxismLeninism and the traditions of the international working-class and communist movement. It is a provocation and diversion from our goals and aims that opens the door to right-wing and even fascist thinking in the working-class movement. Thanks for your attention to our thinking.

Let us take this opportunity to thank you for your solidarity and greetings to our 32nd National Convention.

Warm communist regards"

Rossana Cambron,
Joe Sim
