
Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Communist Parties denounce judicial attack against the Communist Party of Venezuela

Following the latest assault against the Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) by the social democratic government of President Nicolas Maduro, numerous Communist and Workers' Parties across the world express their solidarity with PCV. 

Except from the Communist Party of Greece (KKE), which strongly condemned the decision of the Supreme Court to impose a puppet "leadership" on PCV, more Parties denounce the anti-communist machinations of the PSUV government:

New Communist Party of the Netherlands (NCPN)

The New Communist Party of the Netherlands (NCPN) and the Communist Youth Movement of the Netherlands (CJB) have sent the solidarity message below to the Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV), in a video message recorded during the CJB summer camp.

Dear comrades of the PCV,

We send a solidarity message from the Netherlands to the rightful Central Committee of the PCV, elected at the 16th congress, with Oscar Figuera as its general secretary.The NCPN and CJB strongly condemn theunjust and illegal outcome of the recent lawsuit, in which the supreme court of justice intervened in the PCV, disregarding the statutes of the PCV and the democratically formed decisions of its 16th Congress, by ordering the formation of a new leadership composed ofnonmembers.The new leadership, imposed by the supreme court of justice, is formed by elements that are under instruction of the social democratic PSUV-government.

This attack of the bourgeoise Maduro government on the PCV and its internal affairs, essentially paves the way for the illegalization of the PCV and the formation of a fake party that will act as a puppet of the PSUV government. It is an attack on the entire working class of Venezuela. An attempt to suppress its vanguard, that forms the opposition against the Maduro government and the anti-popular policies it is pursuing. This attack on the PCV proves that the so-called ‘socialists’ of the PSUV act in the interests of the ruling class of Venezuela, the bourgeoisie.

This attack will not succeed! And it will not go unnoticed in the international communist movement and the labourmovement. We extend our solidarity to the CC elected during the 16th congress of the PCV, to comrade Oscar Figuera as the rightful general secretary of the PCV, and all the communist militancy that opposes this anti-communist attack by the PSUV government. We are ready to undertake action and support our Venezuelan comrades in the light of these events and in the case of further escalation.

Down with anti-communism!

Long live international solidarity!

Hands off the PCV!

Link to video recording of solidarity message during the CJB summer camp: https://twitter.com/NCPN_tweets/status/1690448397478555648?t=QJXgsoOmlM5synR93gV8wA&s=19

Party of Labour of Austria (PdA)

Solidarity with the Communist Party of Venezuela

The Party of Labour of Austria condemns the renewed attack on the Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV). The ruling of the Supreme Court is a farce and we reject it. With this ruling, the court is serving the will of the PSUV government, which is increasingly aggressive in its fight against the PCV and is thus de facto trying to liquidate the party.

We condemn this unacceptable coup action and all those who illegitimately appear under the name of the Communist Party of Venezuela, but are in fact marionettes of the social democratic government.

The Party of Labour of Austria continues to stand in solidarity with the CP of Venezuela, its Central Committee, its General Secretary, Comrade Oscar Figuera, and all its members. Our international solidarity and support goes to their struggles for the defense of the interests and rights of the working class and people of Venezuela.

Communist Party of Ireland

Statement on Judical Attack on PCV

The Communist Party of Ireland condemns the judicial attack on the Communist Party of Venezuela by the Venezuelan government. This attempt to liquidate the Communist Party of Venezuela and its replacement by a puppet entity is not in the interests of the Venezuelan working class nor of the Bolivarian revolution. The result of this attack upon the Communist Party of Venezuela will be a weakening of the anti-imperialist forces in Venezuela and will benefit imperialism and pro-imperialist forces within Venezuela.

We express our solidarity with the Communist Party of Venezuela and we call on the Venezuelan government to end its attempts to liquidate the PCV.

Long live the Communist Party of Venezuela.

Long Live Proletarian Internationalism.

Communist Party of Sweden (SKP)

"Solidarity with the Communists of Venezuela!

On the 11th of August, the Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) was effectively banned through a legal and political maneuver, wherein the country's highest court granted another group the right to the party's name. This group consists of members from the ruling party and other elements influenced and paid by it. The purpose is to establish a government-aligned communist party that supports with the Venezuelan government in its increasingly aggressive actions against the working population of the country.

For several years, the communists of Venezuela have refused to support Maduro, as the policies pursued are anti-popular, and instead, the communists have been at the forefront of the people's struggle for a better situation. Despite numerous attempts to divide, sabotage, and violently subdue the communists, these efforts have failed. This is why the latest measure has been taken.

The Communist Party of Sweden strongly condemns the repression that has been directed towards the Venezuelan communists. As communists, we express our full solidarity with the resilient and struggling people of Venezuela and their communist party.

No one can destroy the communist party!

All support to the communists of Venezuela!"

Communist Party of Mexico (PCM)

Declaración del PCM en solidaridad con el PCV

¡El Partido Comunista de Venezuela, vencerá!

El 11 de agosto el Estado venezolano ejecutó la decisión de ilegalizar al Partido Comunista de Venezuela mediante un burdo montaje, insostenible política y moralmente; promovido por el Gobierno de Nicolás Maduro y el PSUV, quienes fungieron de titiriteros de un grupúsculo de personas ajenas a los principios revolucionarios que se arrendaron como mercenarios para el ataque anticomunista.

El ataque al Partido Comunista de Venezuela es un ataque a los derechos políticos y electorales de todos los trabajadores y capas populares en Venezuela. Así como un ataque al movimiento comunista internacional. Esta conducta antidemocrática busca excluir la opción de los trabajadores, de los revolucionarios en el horizonte político, para que en el escenario electoral estén únicamente  opciones proclives a la continuidad del capitalismo, la explotación, la protección de las ganancias apropiadas privadamente, hundidas en la ciénaga de la corrupción, y que solo difieren en la forma de gestionar el sistema.

Además se busca suplantar al PCV, usurpar sus siglas para convertirlas en marionetas de la socialdemocracia.

Rechazamos la falsa disyuntiva de que “o con Maduro, o con la reacción venezolana y la agresión imperialista”, que sirve de coartada para difamar al PCV; rechazamos la idea de que hay un capitalismo mejor que otro, que sacrifica los intereses obreros y populares. Ningún Partido Comunista tiene que subordinarse al interés de una burguesía u otra, al contrario debe colocarse contra ellas. El PCV demostró quequien tiene un dialogo con EEUU es el Gobierno de Maduro, que quien pacta con la oposición reaccionaria es el Gobierno de Maduro; y además es constatable que mientras se da un enriquecimiento escandaloso con base en la corrupción de quienes participan del Gobierno, el nivel de vida de los trabajadores se deteriora aceleradamente, que trabajadores son encarcelados injustamente, que la lucha sindical se encuentra bajo constante ataque.

Tales acciones del gobierno de Maduro son inaceptables; y no lograran engañar a la clase obrera venezolana, ni a las y los comunistas y antiimperialista en el mundo.

El PCM que participó del XVI Congreso del PCV constató su unidad ideológica-programática y organizativa, la decisión democrática y unida contundente de los delegados para elegir a su Comité Central.

Es con el PCV, su Comité Central, su Buró Político, y con el camarada Oscar Figuera, su Secretario General, que ratificamos nuestra solidaridad.

Tenemos la convicción fundada en la historia de que frente a las dificultades el Partido Comunista de Venezuela saldrá avante, como lo hizo siempre, en periodos de clandestinidad y represión, a pesar del asesinato, prisión o exilio de muchos de sus cuadros. Es un Partido Comunista heroico y combativo, indoblegable, que nunca dejó de actuar. Las calumnias que el régimen de Maduro difunde contra el PCV chocan con la lealtad a los intereses de la clase obrera de los comunistas de Venezuela.

También Maduro sabotea el movimiento solidario con el pueblo de Venezuela contra las sanciones imperialistas, pero a pesar de él, el Partido Comunista de México, estará con el PCV, con las organizaciones políticas de izquierda que también fueros ilegalizadas, y con el pueblo y la clase obrera de Venezuela contra el capitalismo y el imperialismo.

¡Proletarios de todos los países, uníos!

La Sección Internacional del CC del PCM.
