
Monday, April 17, 2023

Statement of the KKE on the Day of Palestinian political prisoners in Israeli prisons

In a statement on the Day of Palestinian political prisoners in Israel, the International Relations Section of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) stresses out:

“This year’s Day of Palestinian political prisoners in Israeli prisons (17/4) coincides with the escalation of the aggression of the Israeli state against Palestinians and in general, which is taking on dangerous dimensions.

The KKE expresses its solidarity with the struggling Palestinian people and the thousands of political prisoners in Israeli prisons.

Israel, with the support of the USA, the EU, NATO and other powers allied to it, is continuing its occupation of Palestinian and other territories for decades now, implementing the practices of an occupying power that include the killing of civilians (even young children), the long-term detention of Palestinians without judicial decision and other inhumane occupation practices.

Today there are still 4,900 Palestinian political prisoners in Israeli prisons, including 160 children, 30 women, 4 parliamentarians and 1,016 detainees without trial.

The KKE calls upon the Greek people and the peoples of the region to continue even more actively expressing their multifaceted solidarity with the Palestinian people, condemning the crimes of the Israeli occupation against the Palestinians.

They must strengthen the struggle for:

- The end of the Israeli occupation and its consequences.

- The immediate release of all Palestinians and other political prisoners in Israeli prisons.

- The creation of a single, independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital, based on the 1967 borders, with the people masters in their own land.

- The right of all Palestinian refugees to return to their homes, in accordance with the relevant UN Resolutions.”

